Polish versions of American movie posters
Foreign posters represent some of the most interesting, and in some cases, strange examples of film advertising artwork. Perhaps the best example of this combination would be Polish movie posters.
Polish posters for American films exhibit that rare trait of absolutely no interest in marketing a film in a conventional way. In other words, a Polish film poster is first and foremost an abstract piece of artwork. This can be both fascinating and sometimes a bit disturbing at the same time.
great site; i think this was a really interesting post as i love movie posters – especially of the international variety – love the site, can’t wait for more updates!
Appreciate the kind words. ;)
Keep in mind that most of these posters come from the commie era, when ticket sales didn’t matter at all. Everything was state owned and donated. Some of the posters remind me of my childhood, I remember these from movie theaters. The posters often revealed the desigers’ lack of knowlege of cultural movie context which was kind of funny. But a lot of these were based on clever ideas shortly and precisely describing a movie that’d give a poster a life of it’s own.
Too bad the Polish poster school has deteriorated in mid-80’s. A lot of the authors have been working succesfully abroad since, mainly in the US.
If you are interested in movie posters from behind the Iron Curtain – you can find hundreds of of great posters on this site: http://www.post-soc.com