Re-Animator movie poster

Blinded By Science

Re-Animator movie poster
Re-Animator movie poster

Cinematic Science Movie Poster Exhibition

While you are in New York City to see the previously mentioned James Bond Movie Poster Exhibition, you might also stop off at the New York Academy of Sciences to see their new film poster gallery exhibit called Coming Attractions! 80 Years of Cinematic Science: Movie Posters from Around the World:

Coming Attractions! 80 Years of Cinematic Science: Movie Posters from Around the World, an exhibition in the Academy’s Gallery of Art & Science through June 30, brings together posters for more than 25 movies, including examples from such countries as Argentina, Germany, Japan, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, and the U.S., among others. The exhibit includes a British poster for the re-release of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis; one from France for the American eco-drama, Soylent Green; and an Argentinean poster for the Italian film, Mission Stardust. Also represented will be posters for such true-to-life dramas as Inherit the Wind, the thinly disguised rendition of the 1925 Scopes “monkey trial,” and a poster for the glossy American tribute to the medical profession, Not as a Stranger.

The New York Academy of Sciences web site featured an online gallery of movie posters featured in the Cinematic Science expo. It’s an interesting subject matter for a movie poster exhibition (with one-sheets being supplied by the Posteritati gallery), and something you might not expect to find at a science academy. Besides that, any art gallery show featuring a Re-Animator movie poster as part of the exhibit is definitely worth a visit.

Buy Re-Animator movie posters at: AllPosters, eBay, Amazon