The Top Movie Poster Cliché
Stop us if you have seen this poster composition before: Large images of movie star faces (often of a couple), with a small scene (usually at the bottom of the poster one-sheet) depicting some sort of action or activity. Sound familiar?
Movie stars sell movies.
In fact, another name for this type of movie poster is called a Star Sell. This star sell mantra was true back in the days of Casablanca, and it is even more true today. After all, if Paramount just paid Tom Cruise $20 million dollars to star in a Summer “tent-pole” motion picture for the studio, you can bet they aren’t going to keep his participation a secret from the film’s one-sheet art.
Hmmm…of the 20-odd film posters I’ve designed, I’ve managed to avoid it – until today. It happens to us all. Anyway, I’d be interested to know if you or any readers have any favourites…
I should also add that there’s generally a lot more legwork in designing a “big heads floating in the sky” poster than some more arthouse-style posters. So let’s spare a thought for the poor designer – you have a bunch of stills that you have to grade equally, do all the vignetting and, every designer’s least favourite job: the masking of lots of hair. Ultimately you find yourself working all hours for something you want nowhere near your portfolio. Great.